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  • US Name:


  • Generic Names:

    Budicort, Budicort Inhaler, Budicort Respules

  • Active Ingredients:


  • Brand Manufacturer:

    Astra Zeneca

  • Manufacturer Location:


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Prescription Required

Budesonide (Pulmicort / Budicort) is a long-term corticosteroid treatment for bronchial asthma.

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Budenosin Generic 0.25mg/mL
20 Ampules
Our price: $39.00
Budicort Brand 100mcg
1 Turbuhaler
Our price: $61.00
Budicort Brand 200mcg
1 Turbuhaler
Our price: $55.00
Budicort Respules Brand 0.5mg/2ml
20 Ampules
Our price: $49.00
Budicort Respules Brand 1mg/2ml
20 Ampules
Our price: $93.00

*Please note all prices are in US dollars
Pulmicort / Budicort (budesonide) is an effective long-term treatment for bronchial asthma. It is an inhaled corticosteroid. When inhaled, it is absorbed into the cells of the lungs and airways and can restrict the release of compounds that are produced by the immune system, which trigger allergic responses that result in inflammation.
Budesonide does not provide short-term relief for asthma attacks. For this, a relief inhaler such as Ventolin should be kept on hand.


Budicort comes in two formats. Follow the prescribing doctor’s stipulations for:
Budicort Turbohaler, which is a pre-loaded inhaler that delivers a measured dose of budesonide with each puff.
Budicort Respules, which is a liquid capsule that delivers a measured dose of budesonide into an air jet nebulizer.  

This text is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a doctor or pharmacist before using any medication. 

Read the information leaflet that comes with the medication.

Most people do not experience negative side effects from the use of Pulmicort. Doctors prescribe this treatment when they assess that the benefits substantially outweigh any potential side effects.

Some of the reported side effects are:

  • Thrush of the mouth and throat. The threat of this developing can be reduced by rinsing the mouth right after taking the dose
  • Mild throat irritation
  • Coughing
  • Hoarseness.

Not all side effects are listed here. If these or other unlisted symptoms persist or worsen, consult a healthcare provider or pharmacist.

Pulmicort / Budicort Turbohaler and Pulmicort / Budicort Respules provide maintenance treatment of bronchial asthma as prophylactic therapy in adult and pediatric patients. It does not relieve sudden asthma attacks. If an asthma attack occurs, use a quick-relief inhaler as prescribed.

  • What is Pulmicort?
    Pulmicort / Budicort (budesonide) is a corticosteroid approved as a maintenance treatment for adult and pediatric patients with asthma. It is available as an inhaler (Budicort Turbuhaler) or Budicort Respules (capsules) for dosage via a nebulizer.
  • When should Pulmicort not be used?
    Budesonide is not prescribed to treat a sudden asthma attack. It doesn’t work quickly enough to improve breathing. Instead, a rescue medication, such as Ventolin (salbutamol - also called albuterol) or Qvar (beclomethasone), should be on hand to quickly open the airways and help breathe more easily.
  • Can you take Budicort every day?
    Budesonide is commonly prescribed for use every day. Regular visits to a healthcare professional are advised to ensure that the asthma is not worsening, which may dictate a change in the dose of Pulmicort depending on the condition. Women who become pregnant while using Pulmicort should tell their doctor or pharmacist.
  • How long does it take for Pulmicort to take effect?
    It can take two days to a week before any changes are noticeable. It may take up to four to six weeks of regular use before budesonide fully takes effect. If symptoms do not improve or if they get worse, report this to the prescribing doctor.
  • Does Budicort lower your immune system?
    There are reports that budesonide, like other corticosteroids, may weaken the immune system, and vulnerability increases with stronger doses. It’s advisable to avoid being around people who have infectious diseases such as chickenpox or measles, flu and COVID-19.

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